Tiffany A. Radcliff, PhD

Associate Dean for Research and Professor
Department of Health Policy and Management
212 Adriance Lab Rd.
1266 TAMU
College Station,
Phone: 979.436.9437
Dr. Radcliff is a Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management and Associate Dean for Research at the Texas A&M University School of Public Health. She is also an affiliated investigator for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Emergency Management and Evaluation Center (VEMEC) at the VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care System (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs) and serves on the Texas A&M Emergency Management Advisory Group (TEMAG). Her expertise is in health economics and health services research, including secondary data analysis and novel research methodology to improve measurement of care processes, access and outcomes. Some of her most recent work in emergency preparedness and response has included developing new disaster recovery and resiliency measures for health care systems that use routine administrative data; conducting case studies of recent disparate disasters to characterize preparedness and response needs to assure continuity of long-term care services in rural areas; and modeling health care utilization and resources demands to support stakeholder decisions for natural, man-made and public health emergencies.
She received her PhD in Health Services, Research, Policy & Administration from the University of Minnesota and a BS in Economics with a minor in Political Science from Texas A&M University.
Education and Training
- University of Minnesota, PhD, Health Services, Research, Policy & Administration
- Texas A&M University, BS (Magna Cum Laude), Economics. Minor: Political Science
Research Interests
- Health Economics
- Health Policy
- Health Services Research
- Improving Quality of Care in Long-Term Care
- Access to Care for Rural and Other Underserved Populations
- Improving Care Processes and Outcomes
- Industrial Organization of Healthcare
- Economic Evaluation
Teaching Interests
- Health Economics
- Research Methodology
Representative Publications
Maciejewksi, Matthew, Tiffany A. Radcliff, Lauren Pointer, William G. Henderson, Diane Cowper Ripley, W. Bruce Vogel, Elizabeth Regan , Evelyn Hutt. “Determinants of Post-Surgical Discharge Setting for Hip Fracture Patients” 2014. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 50(9):1267-76.
Ho, P. Michael, Anne Lambert-Kerzner, Evan P. Carey, Ibrahim E. Fahdi, Chris L. Bryson, S. Dee Melnyk, Hayden B. Bosworth, Tiffany Radcliff, Ryan Davis, Howard Mun, Jennifer Weaver, Casey Barnett, Anna Barón, Eric J. Del Giacco. “Multifaceted Intervention to Improve Medication Adherence and Secondary Prevention Measures (Medication Study) After Acute Coronary Syndrome Hospital Discharge” JAMA Internal Medicine 2014 Feb 1; 174(2):186-93.
Ross, Stephen E., Tiffany A. Radcliff, William G. LeBlanc, Anne M. Libby, L. Miriam Dickinson, and Donald E. Neese. 2013. “Effects of Health Information Exchange on Ambulatory Testing Rates.” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 20(6)1137-42.
Radcliff, Tiffany A., Alan White, David West, Donna Hurd and Murray Côté. 2013. “Evaluation of a Seven State Criminal History Screening Pilot Program for Long-term Care Workers” Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect. 25(5):375-95.
Regan, Elizabeth, Tiffany A. Radcliff, William G. Henderson, Diane C. Cowper Ripley, Matthew L. Maciejewski, W. Bruce Vogel, and Evelyn Hutt. “Improving Hip Fractures Outcomes for COPD Patients” COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 10(1): Feb 2013.
Radcliff, Tiffany A., Linda B. Bobroff, Lesley D. Lutes, Patricia E. Durning, Marian C. Limacher, Michael J. Daniels, David M. Janicke, A. Daniel Martin, and Michael G. Perri. 2012. “Comparing Costs of Extended Care Programs for the Management of Obesity in Rural Settings.” Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly Journal of the American Dietetic Association) 112(9): 1363-1373.
Radcliff, Tiffany A., Murray J. Côté, David Olson, and Debra Liebrecht. 2012. “Rehabilitation Settings after Joint Replacement: An Application of Multiattribute Preference Elicitation.” Evaluation and the Health Professions. 35(2): 182-198.
Radcliff, Tiffany A., Elizabeth Regan, Diane C. Cowper Ripley, and Evelyn Hutt. 2012. “Increased use of Intramedullary Nails for Intertrochanteric Proximal Femur Fractures in Veterans Affairs hospitals: A Comparative Effectiveness Study.” Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery – American Volume 94(9): 833-840.
West, David R., Tiffany A. Radcliff, Tiffany Brown, Murray J. Côté, Peter C. Smith, and W. Perry Dickinson. 2012. “Costs Associated with Data Collection and Reporting for Diabetes Quality Improvement in Primary Care Practices.” Journal of the American Board of Family Practice. 25(3):275-282.